On Tuesday, October 27th 2015 Oversight’s CEO Patrick Taylor participated in a joint webinar with the Anti-Fraud collaboration. The webinar featured Mr. Taylor along with three other audit and analysis experts in the industry, with Bill Sinnett, Chief Operating Officer, Financial Executives Research Foundation serving as discussion moderator.
Participation in the webinar served as two continuing education credits for audit industry professionals. If you’re interested in viewing Mr. Taylor’s section, click here to view the webcast and fast forward to the 72:30 mark.
The webcast largely explored how companies can move from ad hoc analyses to more proactive continuous detection using advanced tools, and details the foundations of data analytics and how companies can implement them within their own organization.
Patrick Taylor’s section covered asset misappropriationse and fraud detection (which is why Oversight exists!) including ways to use automated audit technology to:
- Curate data for your company
- Find bad actors and anomalies within the data
- Communicate a tone of compliance within the organization.
Our CEO has been delivering speeches across the country this Fall, with the speeches focused specifically on the power of our software as an audit tool and way to streamline audit processes. In August Mr. Taylor delivered a popular session titled “Rise of the Robot Auditor” at the Annual Transformative Technologies in Accounting seminar, and in September he delivered a powerful session at the Big Data conference called “Fraud Detection.” Both sessions addressed how new technology is impacting fraud detection in terms of both efficiency and effectiveness, and how new technologies are best leveraged within a large organization.
For those interested in similar talks and topics, October’s webcasts provides participants with an action plan for what they can do today to prepare to use data analytics to deter and detect fraud. We hope you’ll give it a listen!