AI in ActionOversight AI leads the industry in Machine Learning for spend monitoring. Find out more about how we can help you see it all. Explore the PlatformAI Technology
SolutionsOversight works across all of your systems and functions to identify hidden spend process breakdowns that can cost you millions of dollars. Find out how we can support you across the enterprise.See overviewPartners & Integrations
ResourcesBrowse our resource bank to find answers to many of your questions, and to help you understand how, with Oversight, nothing gets by you now.See all
CompanyFor two decades Oversight has pioneered AI-Powered technology to help our clients save millions of dollars. Find out more about our company and our people.See overviewAI Technology
Meet the 2016 Oversight Blog Squad!Mid-2015 you may have noticed a shift on the Oversight blog: we went from having three regular contributors to six! By doubling the amount of people …
Recapping the Concur Ignite EventDuring the week of January 11th, Oversight took part in Ignite, Concur’s annual sales kickoff event. Ignite attendees traveled from all over the …
A Better Way to Audit Expenses in 2016The beginning of a new year is a great time to reflect back on the accomplishments of the previous year. At Oversight, we had a lot of exciting …
Oversight vs. Thanksgiving: 5 Reasons to Eat UpIt’s that time of year again. You know the one—with the bird and the cinnamon and football. It’s time for friends and family and thankfulness. …